Following the release of our first ever 35mm colour film in  late 2023, we're thrilled to announce that HARMAN Phoenix is now also available in 120 format.

“We have been delighted with the response of the film community towards HARMAN Phoenix. The release of our first colour film was a huge milestone for our business and the feedback and support has been incredible.” Says Giles Branthwaite, Sales and Marketing Director.

“Since the first day, the one question we have been continually asked is when we would make a 120 version. Phoenix is an experimental emulsion and the first ever colour film we have made so we couldn’t jump straight into multiple formats. However, we have now coated Phoenix multiple times and have learnt a lot about the process, including making gradual improvements along the way, and so the time is right for 120 shooters to have the chance to try it and really see the benefits of those larger negatives.”

About HARMAN Phoenix

HARMAN Phoenix is an ISO 200 colour negative film producing high contrast images with strong, visible grain and warm colours. As with the 35mm version, it performs best in good, even light with the chance of halation in the highlights.

Getting the exposure right is key with this film and best results can typically be obtained by metering for the mid-tones and rating between 1-200 ISO. The final look of the images can also depend on the scanner used and WE recommend talking to your preferred lab about scanning options and making them aware of the scanning tips on

“We promised people that Phoenix was just the start of our colour journey.” Adds Branthwaite. “HARMAN Phoenix in 120 is another step as we continue to work on our roadmap of exciting new products.”

This announcement comes shortly after we shared news of a significant £multi-million investment in our research & development and operational capabilities.

While Phoenix is still a limited-edition film, the 120 version will sit alongside the 35mm in all good stockists globally while stocks are available.


HARMAN Phoenix 200 in 120 format is available from today (September 5th). For a list of retailers and more information, visit or follow us on Instagram, Facebook,  X and YouTube @harmanphoto.